drabhishekgulia@gmail.com +91 9718110723

Oral and Throat Cancer

Oral and throat cancers are one of the most common cancers affecting the Indian population, yet there is not much awareness about these cancers in public. These cancers, which affect the mouth, tongue, throat, and surrounding areas are mainly caused due to consumption of tobacco in some form. Alarmingly, the incidence is rising quite rapidly, particularly among younger individuals.

Causal factors include tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, a sharp tooth and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Surprisingly, 25% of cases occur in people with no known risk factors, underscoring the importance of regular screenings.

Early detection is crucial for successful treatment. Importantly, early detection leads to very high cure rates with minimal treatment, leading to lesser side effects. Warning signs, which should set the alarm bells ringing, include:

- Persistent sore throat or hoarseness

- Difficulty in swallowing, initially for solid food

- Unexplained weight loss

- Lumps or swellings in the neck

- Red or white patches in the mouth

- Persistent mouth sores

If you experience any of these symptoms persisting for more than two weeks, consult a cancer specialist immediately.

Prevention: Tobacco cessation, limited alcohol intake, and HPV vaccination may significantly cut your risk, and habits like brushing and consuming a nutritious, balanced diet with fruits and raw vegetables, offers some protection.

Treatment modalities and outcomes have improved significantly in recent years. Traditional methods such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are still used, although they are much more sophisticated than they were previously. In some instances, newer forms of medicines like immunotherapy and targeted therapies are also included in the treatment plan

As an oncologist, I believe a daily mouth examination can help you discover the signs of these cancers while there is still time to avoid them developing to cancer. Also, getting the teeth tested could assist a dentist in identifying subtle variations that can help determine early cancer appearances.

Understanding the risks and symptoms and taking preventative precautions will help us to work together to help avoid the catastrophic impact of head and neck cancer oncology in our society.